Patient Engagement Platforms
Khurshid A, Oliveira E, Lakshminarayanan, Abrol V. FHIRedApp: A LEAP in health information technology for promoting patient access to their medical information. Khurshid A, Oliveira
COVID-19 Related
Riley C, Xie B, Khurshid A. Challenges Encountered While Comparing International Policy Responses to COVID-19 and Their Effects. Xie B, Charness N, Fingerman W, Kaye
Public Health Informatics
Khurshid A, Shah G, Nguyen T, Jones J. Building informatics capacity of local health departments to combat Covid-19: A call to action. Journal of Public
Bautista JR, Usman M, Harrell DT, Meyer ET, Khurshid A. Clinical, organizational and regulatory, and ethical and social (CORES) issues and recommendations on blockchain deployment
Social Determinants of Health
Khurshid A, Rousseau JF, Andrews S, Tierney WM. Establishing a Data Sharing Environment for a 21st Century Academic Health Center. Khurshid A, Oliveira E, Kaerwer