Who can see my live stream?

Every Helo user that is logged in can watch your live stream. However, only your friends and followers will get notified via a push notification once you go live.

How can I get featured in the Helo app?

You’ll need to encourage your followers and friends to engage with your posts and live streams. If you need specific tips from our talent team, please get in touch at support@imhelo.com.

How can I let people know I’m going live?

Post on your feed in advance so your followers know when you’re planning to go live. You can also message your friends or groups! Once you go live, we’ll also send a push notification to your friends and followers so they can join right away.

How can I get more engagement, likes and gifts?

When you’re broadcasting, make sure you interact with your audience. You can ask them a question or a point of view, so they can all participate with comments. If you see likes and gifts coming in, make sure you show your audience how thankful you are for the support.


Are likes or hearts free?

Liking live streams or posts is free! Please make sure you show other Helo users your love when you think they’re doing a good job.

What are gifts?

When you livestream your viewers can send you gifts. Those can be any of the animations or stickers in the app. Gifts are good for you because you can cash them out into your PayPal account. Every gift has a different value.

How can I purchase gifts?

To purchase gifts you’ll need Helo diamonds! Just click on any gift and the app will show you an option to “top up” your account with diamonds. You can also go to Account > Virtual Wallet. You’ll be able to pay with your Apple or Google wallet.

How can I see who sent me what gifts?

While you’re broadcasting, you’ll see the animations pop on your screen followed by the username of the user that sent the gift. Also, you can go to Account > Received Gifts to find a list of all your received gifts and the users who sent them.

What are diamonds?

Diamonds is our Helo currency. You’ll need them to purchase gifts like stickers or animations to reward live streamers. Just click on any gift and the app will show you an option to “top up” your account with diamonds. You can also go to Account > Virtual Wallet. You’ll be able to pay with your Apple or Google wallet.

What are stars?

Every gift you receive turns into several stars. The amount of stars depends on the original value of the gift. You can accumulate stars in your wallet and when you reach a minimum of $100 USD you can withdraw the balance into your PayPal account.

How can I convert stars into cash or withdraw my balance?

You’ll need to make sure you’ve entered your PayPal email in your Account > Virtual Wallet. Once you reach a minimum balance of $100 USD, you can select the option to withdraw your balance.

When will I get the cash in my PayPal account?

We will process withdrawals on the 16th of every month. After that, the amount will show in your PayPal account within 3-5 business days.

What is the minimum amount I can withdraw?

Our minimum is $100 USD.

Why is levelling up good for me?

Every time you reach a new level we’ll reward you with extra bonuses on top of the gifts you receive from your friends.

How can I level up?

You can level up by going live as often as possible, encouraging your audience to send you gifts, watching other users’ live streams, gifting them when they do a good job.


I tried to purchase diamonds but I got an error message.

Please make sure you don’t have any issues with your Apple or Google wallet. If you think there’s still a problem please email us at support@imhelo.com.

I tried to retrieve my password but it didn’t work.

Please make sure you actually didn’t connect your account to a social media platform. If you did, please check that social media account. If that doesn’t work please contact us at support@imhelo.com.

I just clicked on a live stream but cannot see anything.

Please make sure you have a good connection to the internet. Once you do, close and restart the Helo app. If that doesn’t work please contact us at support@imhelo.com.


Who can see my posts?

Everyone in the same country will be able to see your posts.

How many images can I add in a post?

You can add up to 6 images per post.

How can I edit or delete a post?

Go to your profile’s timeline by following these steps: Account > My Profile > Timeline. Press on the 3 dots on the upper right corner of the particular post you want to delete or edit and select “Edit” or “Delete”. When prompted for confirmation, select “OK”.


What is the difference between Friends and Followers?

Followers can find you and follow you. To be friends with someone you need to accept their request. Both followers and friends will get notified every time you post or go live, but only friends will be able to send you direct messages.

How do I follow someone?

When you see a talent that you like, just go ahead and follow them. You can also search people by username.

How do I friend someone?

Find the users you want to friend by clicking on the search icon located on the top right corner of the screen. Search by name or username. You’ll see a “person” icon next to the profile of the user that you’ll need to click in order to send a request. Remember you’ll have to wait for the other user to accept the  request before they appear on your list of friends.

How do I unfriend someone?

Just click on the profile of the user and click on the “unfriend” option.

Will the user get notified if I unfriend them?

We don’t notify users but if they go to their list of friends they won’t be able to see you anymore.


Who can I message?

Remember you can only message users that are your friends. You cannot message followers.

What is a group chat?

You can create groups of users and invite as many of your friends as you want. As an admin, you can add or remove users, and edit the group photo.

If I’m part of a group, can other users see what I write even if they’re not my friends?

Yes, all users in a group will be able to see what you post there. However, you still won’t be able to message them directly outside of the group.


Do I have to change my location when I go live?

Although we highly recommend it, it isn’t mandatory. Every time before you go live you’ll have the opportunity to uncheck the box so you don’t share your location.

How can I unsubscribe from the Helo email list?

Please open any of the emails you have received from us and scroll to the bottom. You’ll see an option to “unsubscribe”.

How can I start or stop receiving push notifications?

You can turn on and off specific push notifications any time you want in the section Account > Settings > Notifications.

Where can I find Helo’s Privacy Policy?

Please find our most updated Privacy Policy on the Helo website or through this link.

Where can I find Helo’s Terms of Use?

Please find our most updated Terms of Use on the Helo website or through this link.

How can I suspend my Helo account?

Please send us an email at help@imhelo.com with your username and we’ll contact you if we need more details.


How do I sign up?

Simply download the Helo app for iOS or Android and create an account with your email or social media account (like Facebook, Twitter, etc).

How can I change my password?

If you registered with your email please go to the login page and find the option to retrieve your password.

Can I change my username or any other information on my profile?

You can change any information in your profile by following these steps: Account > Settings > Edit Profile.